2025 Special District Election
The Port of Cascade Locks announces that two (2) seats on its Board of Commissioners are open for election. The newly elected commissioners will serve a four-year term beginning July 1, 2025, and ending June 30, 2029.
The Board of Commissioners consists of five (5) elected members who represent the Port District. To qualify as a candidate, individuals must be registered voters within the district, U.S. citizens, Oregon residents, and must have lived within the district for at least one year prior to appointment, as outlined in ORS 777.923.
Interested candidates can download the information packet using the link below or request a copy by contacting the Port office. The packet includes details about the district and the positions. The office is located at 427 SW Portage Road, Cascade Locks, OR 97014, and is open Monday through Thursday from 7:30AM to 5:30PM. Inquiries can also be made by phone at 541-374-2400 or by email at kstocker@portofcascadelocks.gov.
To file for election, candidates must contact the Hood River County Elections Office at 541-386-1442 for filing procedures and deadlines. Additional details about district elections can be found in the Oregon Elections Manual. Pages 23 and 24 provide the most relevant information for prospective candidates.
The Port of Cascade Locks plays a vital role in the economic and community development of Cascade Locks and the surrounding Columbia River Gorge area. Through the management of key assets, including its Marine Park and industrial properties, the Port strives to enhance commerce, recreation, and environmental stewardship. The Port is committed to fostering sustainable economic growth and improving the quality of life for the region.
Information PacketPort of Cascade Locks Strategic Business Plan FY 2024-2029